Unknown paradise for orienteerers outside of Spain, location for the Spanish Championships 2023, see pictures below.
Camp prepared for a short stay of about two - three training days. Forest and city sprint maps. Stay at a hotel in San Leonardo city with the option of half board.
Travel time to the hotel in San Leonardo de Yague, Soria, from the Madrid international Airport “Barajas”:
End Point: Hotel Torres. 42140 San Leonardo de Yagüe, Soria, Spanien
Driving Distance: 195 km, Duration: 2 timmar 20 min, Route: A-1 och N-110.
Double rooms with half board or full board
Trainings: There will be about 6 trainings put out. And 4 more printed if you want to stay more days.
Click below (on picture) for flipbook
From the Spanish Championships in Navaleno, Soria, 2023.